Our Services
Claim Recovery Notification
The service will notify the bearer insurance company on behalf of the partner insurance company through the portal and Email that a new or potential recovery claim is initiated, the bearer insurance company will be able to review the claim and accident details.
Claim Recovery Management
The platform will manage the partner insurance company entire motor insurance claim recovery cycle through the portal and will apply the regulator business rules to facilitate the recovery process.
Once the partner insurance company initiates a claim through their core system, the platform will automatically notify the initiator through the portal with a potential recovery claim which will include all the accident details automatically, the initiator will be able to open a new recovery claim with minimum manual entry.
The portal will notify the bearer insurance company (faulty) about a claim opening from an initiator insurance company (non-faulty), the notification will include the accident, vehicle and policy details, the service will provide a mechanism for quotation and the claim invoice amount and settlement approvals and will generate reconciliation and financial reports.

Claim Management
The service will manage the entire claim cycle by linking all the stakeholders in one platform, the platform will manage the insurance services post registration, the public users will initiate claim request through the mobile application and the insurance companies will be able to manage the requests and assign it to workshop and the workshops will update the claim details, the user will be aware of the entire cycle through the mobile application and will be able to rate the workshop after the claim closure.
Automatic notification with accident report
In the event that a vehicle which is insured by a partner was involved in an accident, the partner will receive a notification through the portal and Email and will be able to view the accident report.
Automatic claim creation with accident report details
In the event that a vehicle which is insured by a partner was involved in an accident the partner will be able to retrieve the accident report details through API integration to facilitate the process of the claim creation at the partner side.=

Risk score check
The platform will provide the partner with a risk score check service which will be available through the portal and API integration, the service will apply proactive controls and measures and will analyze the vehicle history inside and outside the country, owner and driver accident history to be used in the policy quotations and claims assessment.
On the quotation level the partner will check the risk score on vehicle chassis and TCN and will receive a score to indicate the risk (Low, Medium, High, and Critical) based on the risk parameters along with the vehicle, owner and policy details.
On the claim level the partner will check the risk score on an accident and vehicle chassis and will receive a score to indicate the risk (Low, Medium, High, Critical) based on the risk parameters along with accident details.
Risk score detailed report
The partner will be able to generate the risk score detailed report through the portal which will provide a detailed analysis for the measures that was applied to calculate the risk, and the vehicle valuation and the imported vehicle flag and accident severity flag.
Vehicle Valuation​
The platform will provide the partner a service to valuate the vehicle value.
Vehicle Specification​
The platform will provide the partner a service to inquire the vehicle specification.
Imported Vehicle History
The platform will provide the partner a service to inquire the imported vehicle history.

Vehicle Inspection and Inquiry Report​
The partner will upload the vehicle photos and enter the chassis number through the platform and will be able to generate a report that will include the full vehicle details and the vehicle accident history and an estimated vehicle value adjusted based on the vehicle condition.
Vehicle Recovery Service​
The platform will manage the partner vehicle recovery requests related to the motor insurance claims, the platform will connect the vehicle owners holding a valid motor policy and the insurance companies with the partner.
Vehicle Rental Service​
The platform will manage the partner vehicle rental requests related to the motor insurance claims, the platform will connect the vehicle owners holding a valid motor policy and the insurance companies with the partner.

Spare Parts Management​
The platform will provide to the partner spare parts management, the partner will submit the spare parts details such as model, serial number, cost, available units for each part in addition to any other needed information.
The partner will be able to manage the spare parts stock through the platform, the partner or any interested party will be able to search for spare parts details from other partners through the platform.